Wednesday 12 May 2010

My Decision

Hi everyone! Today I will talk to you about my decision to opt for Veterinary Medicine. First I must admit that Veterinary wasn't my first option, it was my fourth option! Since I had planned to study Medicine and I applied to three universities, two in Santiago and one in the South!. I knew that I wouldn't enter the top two, but I had a chance to enter at the south. A few days to learning the results of PSU, I discovered that I wanted Veterinary, so I prayed for not to enter to Austral University and I’m here in University of Chile studying Veterinary Medicine. At first I wasn't very convinced, but eventually I really like it, this is what I wanted and now I don't change it for anything in the world. I’m so happy, and I’ve met a lot of people that I wouldn't change for anything =).
I love this carreer because since I was a child, I loved animals and I grew up surrounded by cats, dogs, birds and a tortoise.

The first year of University was difficult for me because I had to leave my parents in the north and live alone with my cousin. The second semester I failed in Biochemistry, but I approved it in the summer course. :D

The classes that I like so much are Animal Behavior and Histology, even I have thought that later I could be assistant of Histology.

When I joined I had the idea to specialize in clinical small animals (dogs and cats) and have my own clinic. Then I liked the feline medicine, and that would be fun to work in zoos. But with time one gets to know more areas of this beautiful carreer, so nothing is definite yet, veterinary medicine has many surprises!

Friday 7 May 2010

The world's smallest horse!