Saturday 26 June 2010

My ideal job :D

Hi people! well today i'll talk about my ideal job!
First of all, since that I was born I always lived with animals (cats and dogs) and my family loves them, even my mom wanted to study Veterinary Medicine in Valdivia, but she can't. So she is very proud of her daughter is studying the career that she always wanted, not only for her because I looove this career and definitely... is my choice of life. Also my dad has many skills to heal animals without being a doctor! I really admire him. So we can say that I'm the prodigal daughter that study Veterinary Medicine and they are pruod of this :) I know that they'll give me all the support necesary when I'll be graduate :D , they'll help me in the beggining when I want to have my little clinic, because that's what I want at the moment, my own clinic with a nice waiting room, maybe a petshop and eventually add more tools and staff to have a good clinic, like the clinic of the documentary "Dog Town". When I saw this documentary I was fascinated with the work they do! It's something that I want to follow them. I really like the idea of the van that was carrying the dogs and the land they have to receive stray dogs. That's something that I really want to copy hahaha in fact, my mom always tells me that when I graduate she'll get a spot to have dogs and care for them, since in the North there are many stray dogs, especially on the roads, that break my heart :(

So hopefully fulfill my dream to help all those animals who really need it, including nonprofit. I know that money is important in order to survive, and I have to work hard to get a good salary, so I want to work in others clinics, even in a zoo for adquire more experience, after that I want this field to help abandoned and abused dogs.

But like I said once, this career has many surprises! and as I like dogs, I also love cats, meerkats, monkeys and the wild life!! and who knows if luck is with me and I'm going to South Africa
to work in the wildlife reserve? hehe :D This is very exciting for me!!!

For now I just need to persevere!
Bye bye! :)

Friday 18 June 2010

I love the Meerkats :D

My favourite subject!

Hi everyone! well today i'll talk about my favourite subject, that's Animal Behavior :D
Ethology (from the Greek ethos, "custom") is the branch of biology and experimental psychology who studies animal behavior in the wild or under laboratory conditions, but are best known for the field studies.

The objectives of the ethologists are the study of behavior, instinct and the discovery of patterns that drive innate or learned activity of different animal species. Thus, ethologists have studied animals in areas such as aggression, mating, behavioral development, social life, the imprint and many, many others.

Some of history...
In the early twentieth century comparative psychology was created, which consisted in the study of behavior and psychological capacities of the different animal species and in this sense, human behavior considered as one of the many types of animal behavior. Behaviorists used this method in their studies, but since 1973, when scientists Konrad Lorenz, Karl R. Niko Tinbergen and von Frisch received the Nobel Prize for his studies on animal behavior, ethology began to be considered full-fledged science and comparative psychology was integrated into this new science.

I like this subject because it's fun to learn from the experiments, without harming the animal, only used observation and patience :)
In addition, the teacher is nice, although sometimes I feel sleepy when I'm very tired, because his voice is very low and soft haha
Moreover, I like this subject because it lets you be "where the potatoes burn" hahah, ie in situ, by observing the behavior of animals.

I know that many of my classmates like animals behavior, first because it's fun and two, because it's easier to study than anatomy or physiology :P

Well well! see you at the Uni people! bye!

Friday 11 June 2010

The person who I admire

Nikolaas Tinbergen was born in The Hague, Netherlands, on 15th April 1907, as the third of five children to a schoolmaster and his wife. At school he was by no means notable for scholarship preferring to indulge in appreciating nature through diverse rambles by beach and by lakeside.
As a boy he took a great interest in two small freshwater aquaria located in the backyard of the family home and was also made responsible, by one of his teachers at High School, for three saltwater aquaria. Alongside these practical involvements he also appreciatively read the works of two famous Dutch naturalists - E. Heimans and Jac P. Thijsse.
He was initially rather daunted by any prospect of studying academic biology at university level but, he resolved to attempt studies in Biology at Leiden University. In 1932 he was being awarded a Ph.D.

In 1936 Konrad Lorenz was invited to Leiden for a small symposium on "Instinct", and it was at this symposium that Niko Tinbergen first met Konrad Lorenz. The two men became friends such that the Tinbergens, who by now had a small son, were invited to an extended stay at the Lorenz home near Vienna. During this stay the two scientists got on very well and Tinbergen felt that his own more cautious critical sense balanced Konrad Lorenz extraordinary vision and enthusiasm. These months of harmonious and fruitful co-operation were followed by a lifelong friendship.

Tinbergen was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1962 and as a Foreign Member of the Netherlands Academy of Sciences in 1964. In 1973 he shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine with two other zoologists, the German Karl von Frisch and his old friend Konrad Lorenz. Together, they were cited for their discoveries concerning the ways in which individual and social behavior patterns develop in groupings of animals.

Among his many publications important to the development of ethology are:

-The Study of Instinct (1951)
-The Herring Gull's World (1953)
-Curious Naturalists (1958)
-The Animal in its World Vol. 1. (1972)
-The Animal in its World Vol. 2. (1973)
-Early Childhood Autism - an Ethological Approach (together with E. A. Tinbergen in 1972)
Nikolaas Tinbergen died in 1988.

I admire him because I like his studies exposed in the Animal Behavior Class.